Saturday, October 25, 2008

Howdy! :)

Yes, I know I've not been posting for qutie some time. FYI, I'm having my major exams now. So yea. But anyway, at this very moment, I just dont wanna touch any books. Forgive me but just for today. I promise, I'll get back on track. As for now, I'll just have a good session of self-reflecting.

Well, I'm being all sensitive again. Today, my family and I are out to celebrate my Mum's belated birthday and I heard my brother is giving a treat. Anyway, not long ago, I was being told about today's schedule. And well, I was kinda disappointed the moment I heard it. Well, knowing it's some sort like a family outing, I assumed the whole family would leave for dinner together. But well, that's not gonna happen cause so happens that my Mum has her own activity, so does my brother and da sao. I'm not blaming them to have activities on such a day but dont you think they should have told me before hand rather than before they start getting ready to leave? I mean there I was, thinking that we as a family will be spending the day together at home and then leave for dinner together too. I'm not sure if I'm asking too much from them(though I doubt they even know anything about this. :D ). But that's what I thought how family should be. Though I'm the youngest in this house, dont I have that lil bit of rights to know what plans you guys are having before a family dinner? Come on, you guys have the whole morning or even the early afternoon. You guys may just think it's not that important. Well, this is not the first time it happened before. Telling me at such a last minute, you guys just dont know how lost I am right now. Anyway, this is what I thought. I dont know about you guys. Anyway, am I asking too much? Or "family" just aint like that?

I hate loneliness.
Fear of getting lost in that world, alone.
It's pure darkness...